July 22-23: 2nd European-Korean Conference on Korean Literature and Translation


2024 Poster

via Zoom

On July 22 and 23 the 2nd European-Korean Conference on Korean Literature and Translation with the title "Origins and Development of Korean Traditional Literature -
Literary and Aesthetic Transformations" organized by the Department of Korean Studies of Ruhr University Bochum will be held on Zoom. Presentations will be conducted in English or Korean. You can find the program here and further Information here.

Please register for participation with this link.

2024 Poster

via Zoom

On July 22 and 23 the 2nd European-Korean Conference on Korean Literature and Translation with the title "Origins and Development of Korean Traditional Literature -
Literary and Aesthetic Transformations" organized by the Department of Korean Studies of Ruhr University Bochum will be held on Zoom. Presentations will be conducted in English or Korean. You can find the program here and further Information here.

Please register for participation with this link.