Dr. Gordian Schreiber

Research assistant

Room: MB 3.103
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-12785

Gordian Schreiber
Gordian Schreiber
  • history of writing in Japan
  • primarily morphographic writing styles (hentai kanbun 変体漢文)
  • letter writing and ōraimono 往来物
  • methods of translation in premodern Japan (kundoku 訓読)
  • typology of writing systems

2010 Bachelor of Arts in Japanology and Linguistics, Ruhr University Bochum
2012 Master of Arts in Japanese Linguistics, Ruhr University Bochum
2012– research assistant, Ruhr University Bochum
2017–2018 research stay at the University of Tsukuba (tokubetsu kenkyū gakusei)
2019 Dr. phil. in Japanese Linguistics, Ruhr University Bochum


  • (2022): Japanese Morphography: Deconstructing hentai kanbun. (Language, Writing and Literary Culture in the Sinographic Cosmopolis; 4). Leiden: Brill. []


Papers & reviews


  • (2024) (with Sven Osterkamp): »A proposal for a formalized, expandable approach to the taxonomy of writing systems«. In: Written Language and Literacy [ISSN 1387-6732] 26.1: 5–29. []
  • (submitted): »Structure of Pre-Modern Japanese Morphography: Re-Analysis of Hentai Kanbun 變體漢文«. In: Scripta [ISSN 2092-7215] 12.
  • (submitted): »Visual Politeness: Remarks on Cursivization as Found in Pre-Modern Japanese Handbooks on Letter Writing«.


  • »Diversity of Pre-Modern Japanese Writing Styles: Focusing on the Heike Monogatari«. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [ISSN 0170-0006] 45: 123–149.


  • ([2021, recte:] 2022) (with Sven Osterkamp): »<Th>e Ubi<qu>ity of Polygra<ph>y and its Significan<ce> for <th>e Typology of <Wr>iti<ng> Systems«. In: Written Language and Literacy [ISSN 1387-6732] 24.2: 171–197. []


  • (2021) (with Sven Osterkamp): »Challenging the Dichotomy Between Phonography and Morphography: Transitions and Gray Areas«. In: Yannis Haralambous (ed.): Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, /gʁafematik/, June 15–17, 2020, Proceedings, Part I. Fluxus Editions [ISBN 978-2-9570549-6-1], pp. 47–82. []


  • [review article] »Vovin, Alexander (2018): Man'yōshū: Book 19. A New English Translation Containing the Original Text, Kana Transliteration, Romanization, Glossing and Commentary«. In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies [ISSN 0041-977X] 82.2: 388–390. []


  • »(Un-)covering the Traces: Aspects of Orality from the Perspective of Grapholinguistics«, invited talk, conference Mediality of Premodern Japanese Narratives: A Diachronic Perspective (13.–15.VIII.2023), University of Zurich, 13.VIII.2023.


  • »Structure of Pre-Modern Japanese Morphography: Re-Analysis of Hentai Kanbun 變體漢文«, invited talk, SCRIPTA 2022 — »Script, Language, and Transcription« (15.–16.X.2022), Hunmin jeongeum Society / Seoul National University, Seoul, 15.X.2022.
  • »Schriftstilistische Klassifikation sogenannter manabon 真名本«, 18. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag (24.–26.VIII.2022), online (HHU Düsseldorf), 26.VIII.2022.
  • »Morphographic writing in pre modern Japan: The peculiar case of Hentai kanbun 變體漢文«, JLAO 35 workshop — »East Asian Writing Systems in Contact«, online (CRLAO, Paris), 09.VII.2022. [handout]


  • (with Sven Osterkamp) »A proposal for a formalized, expandable approach to the taxonomy of writing systems«, 13th International Workshop of the Association for Written Language and Literacy — »On the systematic nature of writing systems« (21–23.X.2021), online (University of North Carolina), 21.X.2021. [website, incl. recording]
  • »Diversität der Verschriftungsstile mittelalterlicher Kriegerepen«, 21. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur — »Historisches Erzählen im vormodernen Japan« (03.–05.IX.2021), Ruhr University Bochum, 04.IX.2021.


  • (with Sven Osterkamp) »Challenging the Dichotomy between Phonography and Morphography: Transitions and Grey Areas«, Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century — »From graphemes to knowledge« (17.–19.VI.2020), online, 17.VI.2020. [conference website]


  • »Beyond Kanbun: Kundoku as a Method of Translation for Languages Other than Literary Chinese«, EATS 3 — »From the Local to the Global and Back. Translation as a Construction of Plural and Dialogic Identities of East Asia« (28.–30.VI.2019), Ca' Foscari University of Venice, 28.VI.2019.
  • (with Sven Osterkamp) »⟨Th⟩e Ubi⟨qu⟩ity of Polygra⟨ph⟩y and its Significance for ⟨th⟩e Typology of ⟨Wr⟩iti⟨ng⟩ Systems«, 12th International Workshop of the Association for Written Language and Literacy — »Diversity of Writing Systems: Embracing Multiple Perspectives« (26.–28.III.2019), University of Cambridge, Faculty of Classics, 26.III.2019.


  • »Hentai kanbun 変体漢文 and its connection to Middle Chinese«, Doctoral School Chinese Writing and Lexicography in Medieval China (08.–12.X.2018), Ghent University, 11.X.2018.
  • »Zur Problematik des Begriffs hentai kanbun 変体漢文«, Japanologentag 2018 (29.–31.08.2018), Freie Universität Berlin, 30.VIII.2018.
  • »What's in a Name? Or: The Difficulty of Translating the Term hentai kanbun 変体漢文«, RUB Japan Science Days 2018, Ruhr University Bochum, 06.VII.2018.


  • »変体漢文とは何か:言語と表記との間に«, 筑波大学一般言語学研究室の月例会, Tsukuba University, 27.VII.2017.


  • »A Mixed Bag? Phonography and Morphography in Japanese«, The Idea of Writing 2016 — »Writing as a System: Emergence, Variation, Performance« (22.–23.VII.2016), Basel, 23.VII.2016.
  • »Japanische Klassiker einmal anders. Zur Typologie und stilistischen Einordnung sogenannter manabon 真名本«, Mittagsforum, Ruhr University Bochum, 13.I.2016.


  • »Is this Chinese? Is this Japanese? Language lost in the shadows of logography«, Confucius Institute Moscow, 18.XII.2015.
  • »(De-)Honorification through cursivization? The case of Japanese letter writing during the early modern period«, The Idea of Writing 2015 — »Long hand and short hand« (29.–30.X.2015), Mainz, 29.X.2015.


  • »Less is More, More or Less – A Closer Look on Implicit Writing in the Man’yōshū«, 14th International Conference of EAJS (27.–30.VIII.2014), Ljubljana, 28.VIII.2014.


  • »Zur Verschriftung des altjapanischen Kasussystems im Kojiki«, Mittagsforum, Ruhr University Bochum, 19.XII.2012.
  • (co-organized with Morgaine Setzer-Mori) 21. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur — »Historisches Erzählen im vormodernen Japan«, Ruhr University Bochum, 03.–05.IX.2021. [poster]
  • (co-organized with Anna Pushakova) »Ukiyo-e 浮世絵 verstehen«, Ruhr University Bochum, 09.VII.2016.