M.A. Sophie Takahashi

Doctoral researcher in the DFG-funded project DE ANIMA

Room: MB 3.103

Sophie Takahashi
Sophie Takahashi
  • historical linguistics, writing systems in Japan
  • digital humanities and digital scholarly editing
  • computational methods to access, analyse, and interpret text as data (machine learning, digital stylometry, text mining)
  • translation strategies and knowledge transfer in the Jesuit mission (16th to 17th century)
  • methods of glossing and translation of European languages (ōbun kundoku 欧文訓読)
  • manuscript studies, palaeography, and East Asian publishing history

2020 MA in East Asian Studies (focus area: Japanese Linguistics), Ruhr University Bochum
2020–2021 research assistant (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin), Ruhr University Bochum
2022–2023 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science international research fellow at Mie University, Tsu (host researcher: Prof. Dr. Kawaguchi Atsuko)
2023–2024 doctoral fellowship at the German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tōkyō
2024– doctoral researcher in the DFG-funded project DE ANIMA, Ruhr University Bochum


  • (2024) (with Sven Osterkamp): »European Languages through Sino-Japanese Looking Glasses? — Ōbun kundoku in Japanese Translation History (Late Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Century)«. In: Ruselle Meade / Claire Shih / Kyung Hye Kim (eds.): Routledge Handbook of East Asian Translation. London: Routledge [ISBN 9781032170725], pp. 331–346. []
  • (forthcoming) (with Sven Osterkamp): »Reading between the words in romanized Japanese: A quantitative analysis of spacing and related phenomena in the Jesuit Contemptus mundi (1596)«. Language in Japan [ISSN 2758-5646] 2.
  • (submitted): »Motion and devotion in Christian textual transmission of the Compendia manuscripts in Japan«.


  • (2023a): [review] »The Samurai and the Cross. The Jesuit enterprise in early modern Japan, by M. Antoni J. Ucerler, S. J. New York, Oxford University Press, 2022, 445 pp., £29.99 (hardback), ISBN 9780195335439«. In: Contemporary Japan. []
  • (2023b):『キリシタン文庫』目録に未収録の日本語誓文(ARSI Jap. Sin. 36, 196r-199v). In: キリシタン文化研究会会報 [ISSN 0287-5292] 162: 29–47.


  • (2022) (with Miyagawa Sō 宮川創): HTRプログラムTranskribusによる日本語キリシタン版『コンテムツス・ムンヂ』のデジタルアーカイブ化. In: デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 6.s3: s123–s126. []


  • »Translating the untranslated: Actor-driven strategies of knowledge transfer in the Japanese Compendia manuscripts«, Jesuit Knowledge, Cultural Translations, and the Rules of Japanese Christianity (16th–17th c.), Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main & online, 6.IX.2024. [abstract]
  • »16~19世紀ヨーロッパ人の目に映る日本の王と諸侯:「大名」のドイツ語訳「König」と「Herzog」を中心に« [Japanese Kings and Lords as seen through European eyes in the 16th–19th centuries: Focusing on König and Herzog as the German translations of daimyō], 日文研第11回共同研究会, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, online, 29.VI.2024.
  • »Christ, Codices, Coding: Applying AI to Jesuit Written Artefacts«, DIJ History & Humanities Study Group, DIJ, Tōkyō, hybrid, 29.II.2024. [abstract]
  • »Anonymous Amanuenses – Multilingualism and knowledge transfer in a recently discovered Christian manuscript (16th to 17th century)«, Sixth Annual Osaka Graduate Conference in Japanese Studies, Osaka University, 6.I.2024. [handout]


  • »忘れられたエリート:日本人イエズス会士の多言語能力« [The forgotten elite: Japanese Jesuits and their multilingual language proficiency], invited talk, 日文研第8回共同研究会, 日文研 / International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyōto, 26.VIII.2023.
  • »アウグスト公図書館にある日本から来た宝物« [A treasure from Japan at the Herzog August Library], invited talk, 特別講義 「キリシタン写本の世界」, 三重大学 / Mie University, 26.I.2023.


  • »日本イエズス会Compendiaの新出写本とその表記« [The newly discovered Compendia and its mode of inscription], 第397回日本近代語研究会2022年度秋季発表大会, online, 5.XI.2022.
  • (with Miyagawa Sō 宮川創) »Digitization of a Japanese Christian Text from the Sixteenth Century«, conference DH_BUDAPEST_2022 & DARIAH DAYS, online, 24.XI.2022.
  • (with Miyagawa Sō 宮川創) »HTR プログラム Transkribus による日本語キリシタン版『コンテムツス・ムンヂ』のデジタルアーカイブ化« [Application of Transkribus for a Digitization of the Japanese Christian Contemptus Mundi], デジタルアーカイブ学会第7回研究大会, online, 12.XI.2022.
  • »Compendiaの新出写本におけるノミナ・サクラ« [Nomina sacra in the newly discovered Compendia manuscript], 第16回キリシタン語学研究会, online, 20.VII.2022.
  • »ドイツで発見されたキリシタン写本『コンペンディウム』―表記と翻訳について―«, 三重大学日本語学文学会, 三重大学 / Mie University, 25.VI.2022.