Prof. Dr. Sven Osterkamp

Room: MB 3.105
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-28242

Sven Osterkamp
Sven Osterkamp
  • history of the Japanese language(s) and writing system(s), from their earliest attested forms to the present day
  • language contacts within East Asia as well as between East Asia and the West and their textual witnesses
  • early knowledge of the Japanese and other East Asian languages and writing systems in the West, as well as the history of East Asian collections
  • typology & history of writing systems and the interplay of language and writing

2008 Dr. phil. in Japanese Linguistics, Ruhr University Bochum
2009–2011 postdoctoral researcher at Kyoto University, Department of Linguistics, with a project on pre-modern Korean sources on the Japanese language
2011– professor of Japanese Language and Literature at Ruhr University Bochum


  • (2011): Nicht-monosyllabische Phonogramme im Altjapanischen. Kritische Bestandsaufnahme, Auswertung und Systematisierung der Fälle vom Typ oñgana. (Veröffentlichungen des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universität Bochum; 60). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. []


Papers & reviews


  • (2024a) [review] »Glossing Practice: Comparative Perspectives. Franck Cinato, ‎Aimée Lahaussois and ‎John B. Whitman, eds. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2023, $110.00 / £85.00«. In: East Asian Publishing and Society [ISSN 2210-6278] 14.1: 105–117. []
  • (2024b): »A Diachronic Perspective on Segmentation Cues in Written Japanese: From Script Mixture, Size and Spacing to the Reinvention of a Corollary of Cursive Writing«. In: Language in Japan [ISSN 2758-5646] 1.1: 5–35. []
  • ([2023, recte:] 2024c): »A hitherto unknown Jesuit confessionary in Japanese language and script (ca. 1595) kept at Utrecht University Library«. In: Yuki Horie et al. (eds.): Practicing Japan. 35 years of Japanese Studies in Poznań and Kraków / ポズナン&クラクフ日本学専攻科設立35周年記念学会. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Rys [ISBN 978-83-67287-73-9], pp. 339-349. [pdf (separately), (entire volume)]
  • (2024d): »Late Middle Japanese phonology, based on Korean sources«. In: Bjarke Frellesvig / Kinsui Satoshi (eds.): Handbook of Historical Japanese Linguistics. (Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics). Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter [ISBN 9781614514015], pp. 145–167. []
  • (2024e) (with Gordian Schreiber): »A proposal for a formalized, expandable approach to the taxonomy of writing systems«. In: Written Language and Literacy [ISSN 1387-6732] 26.1: 5–29. []
  • (2024f): »East Asian languages in Lord’s Prayer collections, ca. 1600–1900«. In: Histoire Épistémologie Langage [ISSN 1638-1580] 46.1 (Le Notre Père, outil linguistique et objet de savoirs (XVIe–XIXe siècle): 89–119. []
  • (2024g) (with Sophie Takahashi): »European Languages through Sino-Japanese Looking Glasses? — Ōbun kundoku in Japanese Translation History (Late Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Century)«. In: Ruselle Meade / Claire Shih / Kyung Hye Kim (eds.): Routledge Handbook of East Asian Translation. London: Routledge [ISBN 9781032170725], pp. 331–346. []
  • (2024h) (with Toon Van Hal): »Sprach- und Schriftsammlungen im 18. Jahrhundert: Der „Orientalisch- und Occidentalische Sprachmeister“ (1748) und sein Umfeld«. In: Mark Häberlein / Andreas Flurschütz da Cruz (eds.): Die Sprachen der Frühen Neuzeit: Europäische und globale Perspektiven. (Frühneuzeit-Impulse; 6). Köln: Böhlau [ISBN 978-3-412-53083-9], pp. 605–630. []
  • (forthcoming): »Early European owners of Jesuit prints and manuscripts from Japan: A view based chiefly on book sale catalogues«. In: Katja Triplett / Yoshimi Orii / Pia Jolliffe (eds.): Japan in the Early Modern World: Religion, Translation, and Transnational Relations. Heidelberg: J.B. Metzler [ISBN 978-3-662-70424-0]. [publisher's website]
  • (forthcoming): »A hand-list of prints from the Jesuit mission press in Japan and related materials«. In: Katja Triplett / Yoshimi Orii / Pia Jolliffe (eds.): Japan in the Early Modern World: Religion, Translation, and Transnational Relations. Heidelberg: J.B. Metzler [ISBN 978-3-662-70424-0]. [publisher's website]
  • (forthcoming) (with Sophie Takahashi): »Reading between the words in romanized Japanese: A quantitative analysis of spacing and related phenomena in the Jesuit Contemptus mundi (1596)«. Language in Japan [ISSN 2758-5646] 2.
  • (submitted): »Das Sammeln von Vaterunser-Fassungen vor, bei und nach Andreas Müller«.
  • (submitted): »Ein dreifaches „Alphabetum Sinicum“ aus dem späten 17. Jahrhundert«.
  • (submitted): »Traditions of linguistics – Japan«.
  • (submitted): »Typology of writing systems – historical perspectives«.
  • (submitted): »Klaproth’s Korean kmis and the way thither, or: Han’gŭl and the manner of its distortion in some early foreign sources«.


  • (2023a): »Yoshio Gonnosuke and his comparative Dutch–Japanese syntax: Glimpses at the unpublished second part of Siebold’s “Epitome linguae japonicae”«. In: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte / History of Science and Humanities [ISSN 1522-2365] 46.1: 54–75. []
  • (2023b): »The textual history of the Jesuit Compendia in Latin and Japanese as seen from the newly identified manuscript at Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel«. In: Historia Scientiarum [ISSN 0285-4821 (online: 2436-9020)] 32.2: 63–87. []


  • ([2021, recte:] 2022a) (with Gordian Schreiber): »<Th>e Ubi<qu>ity of Polygra<ph>y and its Significan<ce> for <th>e Typology of <Wr>iti<ng> Systems«. In: Written Language and Literacy [ISSN 1387-6732] 24.2: 171–197. []
  • (2022b): »A hitherto unknown Jesuit confessionary in Japanese language and script (c. 1595)«. In: Utrecht University Library, Special Collections website, 10 February 2022. [website]


  • (2021a) (with Gordian Schreiber): »Challenging the Dichotomy Between Phonography and Morphography: Transitions and Gray Areas«. In: Yannis Haralambous (ed.): Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, /gʁafematik/, June 15–17, 2020, Proceedings, Part I. Fluxus Editions [ISBN 978-2-9570549-6-1], pp. 47–82. []
  • (2021b): »The Last Days of Old Japanese: Early Heian gloss texts and the periodization of Japanese language history«. In: John Kupchik / José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente / Marc Hideo Miyake (eds.): Studies in Asian Historical Linguistics, Philology and Beyond. Leiden: Brill [ISBN 978-90-04-44855-1], pp. 5–25. []


  • (2020a): »Language without Future? On the Notion of Future Time Reference in Pre-Modern Descriptions of Japanese Grammar«. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [ISSN 0170-0006] 41 (2018): 131–166. [pdf]
  • (2020b): »Eine Wiederentdeckung in der Herzog August Bibliothek: Zum Wolfenbütteler Manuskript der jesuitischen Compendia der Philosophie, Theologie und Kosmologie in japanischer Übersetzung«. In: HABlog. [HAB; pdf version with footnotes and references]


  • (2017a) (with Christoph Anderl): »Northwestern Medieval Chinese«. In: Rint Sybesma (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, vol. 3: Men–Ser. Leiden: Brill [ISBN 978-90-04-26224-9], pp. 218–229. []
  • (2017b): »Sinoform Writing«. In: Rint Sybesma (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, vol. 4: Shā–Z. Leiden: Brill [ISBN 978-90-04-26225-6], pp. 115–124. []
  • (2017c): »Sino-Xenic Readings«. In: Rint Sybesma (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, vol. 4: Shā–Z. Leiden: Brill [ISBN 978-90-04-26225-6], pp. 134–138. []
  • (2017d): »A mokkan perspective on some issues in historical phonology«. In: William McClure / Alexander Vovin (eds.): Studies in Japanese and Korean Historical and Theoretical Linguistics and Beyond: Festschrift Presented to John B. Whitman. (Languages of Asia [ISSN 2452-2961]; 16). Leiden: Brill [ISBN 978-90-04-35085-4], pp. 45–55. []
  • (2017e): [review article] »Martina Ebi / Viktoria Eschbach-Szabo: Japanische Sprachwissenschaft: Eine Einführung für Japanologen und Linguisten, [...]«. In: Japonica Humboldtiana [ISSN 1433-3473] 19: 203–228. []


  • (2016a): 諺文以呂波雑考. In: 田窪行則 / John Whitman / 平子達也 (eds.): 琉球諸語と古代日本語——日琉祖語の再建にむけて. 東京: くろしお出版 [ISBN 9784874246924], pp. 57–76. [publisher's website]
  • (2016b): »Foreign Sources on the History of the Japanese Language: Problems and Prospects«. In: Acta Asiatica: Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture [ISSN 0567-7254] 111 (Recent Trends in Japanese Language Studies): 75–93. [publisher's website]
  • (2016c): [review article] »Corff, Oliver et al. (eds.) (2013): Auf kaiserlichen Befehl erstelltes Wörterbuch des Manjurischen in fünf Sprachen. „Fünfsprachenspiegel“. [...]«. In: Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques [ISSN 2235-5871] 70.3: 943–965. [ or]


  • (2015a): »A Sketch History of Pre-Chamberlainian Western Studies of Ryukyuan«. In: Patrick Heinrich / Miyara Shinsho / Shimoji Michinori (eds.): Handbook of the Ryukyuan Languages: History, Structure, and Use. (Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics). Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter [ISBN 978-1-61451-115-1], pp. 61–80. []
  • (2015b): シーボルトの朝鮮研究——朝鮮語関係の資料と著作に注目して. In: 国立歴史民俗博物館 (ed.): シーボルトが紹介したかった日本——欧米における日本関連コレクションを使った日本研究・日本展示を進めるために / Siebold’s Vision of Japan —— As Seen in Japan-related Collections in the West. 佐倉:国立歴史民俗博物館, pp. 41–51. [pdf]
  • (2015c): »Philipp Franz von Siebold’s Korean Studies: Focusing on His Sources and Publications on the Korean Language«. In: 国立歴史民俗博物館 (ed.): シーボルトが紹介したかった日本——欧米における日本関連コレクションを使った日本研究・日本展示を進めるために / Siebold’s Vision of Japan —— As Seen in Japan-related Collections in the West. 佐倉:国立歴史民俗博物館, pp. 229–239. [pdf]
  • (2015d): »Lorenzo Hervás (1735–1809) and the account of the Japanese and Korean scripts in his Paleografía universal«. In: Scripta 7: 1–57. [pdf]


  • (2014a): »Notes on the Manuscript Precursors of Collado’s Ars grammaticæ Iaponicæ lingvæ in the British Library (Sloane Ms. 3459) and Especially Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Borg. lat. 771)«. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [ISSN 0170-0006] 36 (2012): 199–212. [pdf]
  • (2014b): »On so-called genitive subjects in Classical Japanese and their treatment in Western grammars«. In: Tomasz Majtczak / Sonoyama Senri (eds.): Language and Literary Traditions of Japan. Collection of papers to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Japanese studies at the Jagiellonian University (1987–2012). Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 107–154. [pdf]
  • (2014c): ビュルガー・コレクションに関する若干の覚書. In: 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 (ed.): シーボルト日本書籍コレクション現存書目録と研究 / Japanese books in the Von Siebold collection: a catalog and further research. 東京: 勉誠出版 [ISBN 978-4-585-22108-1], pp. 377–399. [publisher's website]
  • (2014d): »Approaching the Korean language and script through cultural heritage: On the role of Tongŭi pogam 東醫寶鑑 in Julius Klaproth’s writings on Korean and his correspondence with the Humboldt brothers«. In: 어문 론총 [ISSN 1225-3928] 62: 207–235. [pdf]


  • (2012a): »Early adaptations of the Korean script to render foreign languages«. In: Alex de Voogt / Joachim Quack (eds.): The Idea of Writing. Writing Across Borders. Leiden: Brill [ISBN 978-90-04-21545-0], pp. 83–102. []
  • (2012b): »Digraphic Transcriptions of Monosyllabics in Old Japanese and Their Implications«. In: Bjarke Frellesvig / Jieun Kiaer / Janick Wrona (eds.): Studies in Japanese and Korean Linguistics. (LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics; 78). London: LINCOM [ISBN 978-3-86288-122-2], pp. 120–145.


  • ([2010, recte:] 2011a): »A Brief History of Western Knowledge about the Korean Language and Script—from the Beginnings to Pallas (1786/87–89)«. In: Studia Orientalia Slovaca [ISSN 1336-3786] 9.1 (2010): 7–43. [pdf]
  • ([2010, recte:] 2011b): [review] »Endō Mitsuaki 遠藤光暁 / Itō Hideto 伊藤英人 / Chŏng Sŭnghye 鄭丞惠 / Takekoshi Takashi 竹越孝 / Sarashina Shin’ichi 更科慎一 / Pak Chinwan 朴真完 / Qū Xiǎoyún 曲曉雲 (ed.) (2009): Yŏkhaksŏ munhŏn mongnok 譯學書文獻目錄. Sŏul: Pangmunsa. X + 253 pp.«. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [ISSN 0170-0006] 34 (2010): 311–321. [pdf]


  • ([2009, recte:] 2010a): »Selected materials on Korean from the Siebold Archive in Bochum – Preceded by Some General Remarks Regarding Siebold’s Study of Korean«. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [ISSN 0170-0006] 33 (2009): 187–216. [pdf]
  • ([2009, recte:] 2010b): [review article] »Peter Kapitza (Hg.) (2008): Japan in Europa. Texte und Bilddokumente zur europäischen Japankenntnis von Marco Polo bis Wilhelm von Humboldt. München: iudicium. 1 CD-ROM [= 957, 1024, 96 S., pdf-Format]«. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [ISSN 0170-0006] 33 (2009): 249–270. [pdf]
  • (2010c): »The Japanese studies of Andreas Müller (1630–1694)«. In: 京都大学言語学研究 / Kyoto University Linguistic Research [ISSN 1349-7804] 29: 77–151. []
  • (2010d): 新発見の欧州所在倭学書とその周辺. In: 日韓言語学者会議——韓国語を通じた日韓両国の相互理解と共生 (conference proceedings; Reitaku University 麗澤大学, 12.–13.XI.2010), pp. 361–378. [pdf]


  • ([2007, recte:] 2008): »Official Regulations and Unwritten Rules for Place Name Spellings in 8th to 10th-century Japan— A Conspectus of their Consequences and Side-effects —«. In: Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [ISSN 0170-0006] 31 (2007): 213–244. [pdf]


  • »The Jesuit Compendia in Latin & Japanese: Text witnesses and textual history«, Jesuit Knowledge, Cultural Translations, and the Rules of Japanese Christianity (16th–17th c.), Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main & online, 6.IX.2024.


  • »Early European owners of Jesuit prints and manuscripts from Japan: A view based chiefly on book sale catalogues«, 33rd EAJRS Conference (13.–16.IX.2023), KU Leuven, 14.IX.2023.


  • »A hitherto unknown Jesuit confessionary in Japanese language and script (ca. 1595)«, Practicing Japan: 35 years of Japanese Studies in Poznań and Kraków (24.–26.III.2022), online, 24.III.2022.
  • »East Asian languages in Lord’s Prayer collections (16th to 19th centuries)«, Le Notre Père, outil linguistique et objet de savoirs, Université Paris Cité & online, 20.V.2022 (online).
  • »A hitherto unknown Jesuit confessionary in Japanese language and script (ca. 1595)«, 日本語学会2022年度春季大会 (14.–15.V.2022), online, V.2022 (online, prerecorded).
  • »Sinica in der churfürstlichen Bibliothek zu Zeiten von Andreas Müller und Christian Mentzel – und ihr späterer Verbleib«, CrossAsia Talks, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, 2.VI.2022. [recording on YouTube]
  • »Writing Systems in Contact: A Conspectus of Cases from East Asia« (keynote), East Asian Writing Systems in Contact, CRLAO, Paris & online, 9.VII.2022 (online).
  • »The Jesuit Compendia in Latin & Japanese: On the Provenance of Their Text Witnesses and Issues of Authorship«, Religion, Translation and Transnational Relations (1.–3.IX.2022), Universität Leipzig, 1.IX.2022.
  • (with Toon Van Hal) »Nach Mithridates ist vor Mithridates: Sprach- und Schriftsammlungen im deutschsprachigen Raum des 18. Jhs.«, Die Sprachen der Frühen Neuzeit (22.–24.IX.2022), Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 24.IX.2022.


  • »Script choices as a means of indexing identities in Late Edo Japan«, Lecture and Dialogue Series Language and Identity, Tokyo College, [release date:] 10.XI.2021. [recording on YouTube: English, Japanese]
  • (with Gordian Schreiber) »A proposal for a formalized, expandable approach to the taxonomy of writing systems«, 13th International Workshop of the Association for Written Language and Literacy — »On the systematic nature of writing systems« (21–23.X.2021), online (University of North Carolina), 21.X.2021. [website, incl. recording]
  • »Sufera-no nukigaki (ca. 1595): A Missing Link in the Transmission of Aristotelian-Ptolemaic Cosmology to Japan Rediscovered«, 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (24.–28.VIII.2021), online, 26.VIII.2021. [abstract]
  • discussant at panel »Studies of Early Modern Japanese Based on the Corpus of Historical Japanese«, 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (24.–28.VIII.2021), online, 25.VIII.2021. [panel description]
  • »Polyglot interpreter Yoshio Gonnosuke (1785–1831) and his unpublished Dutch–Japanese Comparative Syntax«, Language in the Global History of Knowledge (29–30.IV.2021), online (KU Leuven), 29.IV.2021. [abstract]
  • »バチカン図書館所蔵のキリシタン関係欧文資料とそのテキストデータ化— (『日本文典』のスペイン語草稿)と (『講義要綱』のラテン語版)を中心に«, 関西大学研究クラウドファンディング報告会「バチカン収蔵東アジア関連資料に見る日本」, online (KU-ORCAS), 20.III.2021.


  • (with Gordian Schreiber) »Challenging the Dichotomy between Phonography and Morphography: Transitions and Grey Areas«, Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century — »From graphemes to knowledge« (17.–19.VI.2020), online, 17.VI.2020. [conference website]


  • »W.H. Medhurst’s English and Japanese and Japanese and English Vocabulary (Batavia 1830): On its Sources and the Identity of the “Gentlemen from Japan”«, 12th International Siebold Researcher Conference (1.–2.XI.2019), Universiteit Leiden, 1.XI.2019.
  • »Translating ‘kundoku’«, Languages and Civilisations: Oriental Studies in Cracow 1919–2019 (14.–16.X.2019), Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Cracow, 14.X.2019.
  • »New Wor(l)d Order: Japanese as a Language of Transnational Standing in East Asia ca. 1900 and its Linguistic Prerequisites«, AREA Ruhr Workshop System Competition in East Asia (19.VII.2019), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 19.VII.2019.
  • »2-in-1(.5): Bilingual CJK Texts in Overlapping Notation«, 3rd East Asian Translation Studies Conference (28.–30.VI.2019), Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 28.VI.2019.
  • »Translation Glosses in Japan: Typological and Terminological Issues«, Glossing from a Comparative Perspective (6–7.VI.2019), Philipps-Universität Marburg, 6.VI.2019.
  • (with Gordian Schreiber) »⟨Th⟩e Ubi⟨qu⟩ity of Polygra⟨ph⟩y and its Significance for ⟨th⟩e Typology of ⟨Wr⟩iti⟨ng⟩ Systems«, 12th International Workshop of the Association for Written Language and Literacy — »Diversity of Writing Systems: Embracing Multiple Perspectives« (26.–28.III.2019), University of Cambridge, Faculty of Classics, 26.III.2019.


  • »57577 – Die Lizenz zum Töten der Grammatik? Zum Zusammenspiel von Metrik und Grammatik in der alt- und klassischjapanischen Dichtung«, Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institut, 17.XII.2018.
  • »How, for whom, and to what end? Japanese metatexts on translating and glossing Chinese texts« (with André Podzierski), conference Glossing cultural change: Comparative perspectives on manuscript annotation, c. 600–1200 CE (21.–22.VI.2018), National University of Ireland, Galway, 21.VI.2018.
  • »Expressions of futurity in Sino-Japanese translational practices«, conference Other ‘Horizons of Expectation’ in East Asia? Generation and Modi of Future Visions in the Past of China, Japan and Korea (1.–2.VI.2018), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1.VI.2018.
  • »ボーフム大学のシーボルトコレクションに伝わる蘭語学資料について«, 19世紀学研究所 / Institute for the Study of the 19th Century Scholarship, 新潟大学 / Niigata University, 16.III.2018.


  • »On Siebold’s Manuscript of an Anonymous (and Incomplete) Chinese Translation of the New Testament (Sieboldiana 1.363.000)«, 11th International Siebold Collection Working Conference, Bonn, 20.X.2017.
  • »Ananda ain’t not alone«, 15th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (30.VIII.–02.IX.2017), Centre for the Humanities (CHAM), Lisbon, 31.VIII.2017.
  • »Die japanische Schrift und ihre Mythen«, Japan-Tage (21.–22.VII.2017), Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 22.VII.2017.
  • »Thank goodness, it’s an alphabet! (… so we all know how to pronounce it)« (pt. 1: », [ˈdʒɪnsɛŋ], [ˈgɪnzɛŋ], or: Romanization as the root of all evil?«, pt. 2: »Sino-Korean and Late Middle Chinese denasalization revisited«), ditto, Universiteit Gent, 17.III.2017.
  • »Foreign Transcriptions of Chinese and Vice-Versa in a Historical Perspective«, ditto, Universiteit Gent, 16.III.2017 & 17.III.2017.
  • »Large-scale Borrowings and the “Sinoxenic” Reading Traditions of Chinese Characters«, doctoral school East Asian Historical Phonology in a Comparative Perspective (13.–17.III.2017), Universiteit Gent, 16.III.2017.


  • »Japanisch – Sprache ohne Zukunft? Eine Suche nach der Zukunft in der Vergangenheit«, Ringvorlesung Eine andere Zukunft in Ostasien? Erwartung und Gestaltung in Kultur und Politik von der Antike bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 22.XI.2016.
  • »吉雄権之助の蘭日比較文法を求めて / In Search of Yoshio Gonnosuke’s Dutch–Japanese Comparative Syntax«, 10th International Siebold Collection Working Conference (20.–22.X.2016), Nagasaki, 22.X.2016.
  • »Japanisch – Sprache ohne Zukunft? Eine Suche nach der Zukunft in der Vergangenheit«, workshop Eine andere Zukunft in Ostasien? Erwartung und Gestaltung in Kultur und Politik, 17.-21. Jahrhundert (13,–14.X.2016), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 13.X.2016.
  • »Japanese kana: mσraic σr syllabic? Cσnsiderations frσm a synchrσnic and diachrσnic perspective«, symposium The Idea of Writing — »Writing as a System: Emergence, Variation, Performance« (22,–23.VII.2016), NCCR Iconic Criticism, University of Basel, 23.VII.2016.


  • »Tangut coins in early numismatic publications in China, Japan and Europe«, Workshop on Tangut Studies, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Hamburg, 14.XII.2015.
  • »Notes on the Relationship of Siebold and Klaproth: Fact and Fantasy«, 9th International Siebold Collection Conference (22.–24.X.2015), Leiden, 23.X.2015.
  • »Desultory notes on Korean books in Europe up to the mid-19th century«, 27th AKSE Conference, Bochum, 12.VII.2015.
  • [»Sino-Korean and Late Middle Chinese denasalization revisited«, 23rd Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (1st International Symposium on Sino-Korean Linguistics), Hanyang University, Seoul, 20.VI.2015. (conference postponed)]
  • »外国資料の貢献と限界«, 60th International Conference of Eastern Studies / 第60回国際東方学者会議, symposium II: 日本語研究の現状と課題, Japan Education Center, Tōkyō, 15.V.2015.
  • »Non-Korean sources on Korean historical phonology (or: Foreign renderings of Korean and Korean renderings of foreign languages as sources on Korean historical phonology)«, workshop on Korean linguistics, University of Vienna, 16.III.2015.


  • »Some glimpses of Siebold’s original classification and arrangement of his papers (based on his inventories Verzeichniß der merkwürdigsten Handschriften and Literarische Beyträge meiner Japanischen Freunde)«, 8th Siebold Collections Working Conference, Siebold-Museum, Würzburg, 24.X.2014.
  • »Approaching the Korean language and script through cultural heritage: On the role of Tongŭi pogam 東醫寶鑑 in Julius Klaproth’s writings on Korean and his correspondence with the Humboldt brothers«, conference 제1회 경북대 국어국문학과 BK21플러스 사업단 국제학술대회: 세계기록유산과 한국 문화 / The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme and the Korean Culture, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, 13.X.2014.
  • »The earliest Western account of the Korean script? Lorenzo Hervás and his Paleografía universal«, conference SCRIPTA 2014, The Hunmin jeongeum Society / Seoul National University, Seoul, 11.X.2014.
  • »ボーフム大学に伝わるビュルガー・コレクションの写本、特に吉雄権之助の『下頽咨・英吉利言語小引』について / Zu den Bochumer Manuskripten aus Heinrich Bürgers Sammlung, insbesondere Yoshio Gonnosukes Korte inleiding tot de Nederduitsche en Engelsche taalen«, Siebold/Nagasaki workshop in cooperation with Seinan Gakuin University, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 26.VI.2014.
  • »シーボルトの朝鮮研究—朝鮮語関係の資料と著作に注目して«, conference シーボルトが紹介したかった日本 (11.–12.II.2014), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 11.II.2014.


  • »Some notes on the provenance and whereabouts of (“)Siebold’s(”) (“)Korean(”) books«, 7th International Siebold Collection Conference (16.–18.X.2013), Leiden, 18.X.2013.
  • »Aspects of polyglossia & polygraphia in pre-modern Japan«, 32. Deutscher Orientalistentag (23.–27.IX.2013), panel ‘Diglossic’ situations and their transformation in the modern era: East Asia and beyond, Münster, 24.IX.2013.
  • »諺文以呂波雑考«, workshop 琉球諸語と古代日本語に関する比較言語学的研究 (19.–20.II.2013), 京都大学 / Kyoto University, 19.II.2013.


  • »On so-called genitive subjects in Classical Japanese (and beyond)«, conference Language and Literary Tradition of Old Japan, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Cracow, 22.XI.2012.
  • »Ehrenrettung Julius Klaproths«, Mittagsforum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 4.VII.2012.
  • »Names reduced to writing & writing reducing names: Being some observations on early Japanese place name spellings«, 9th symposium The Idea of Writing — »Writing Names« (25.–27.VI.2012), Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, 26.VI.2012. [Abstract]
  • »Prenasalization in Japonic languages as seen in pre-modern foreign transcriptions: A look at the sources and their interpretation«, invited talk, The East Asian Linguistics Seminar (Hilary Term 2012), University of Oxford, 21.II.2012. [Abstract]
  • »W. H. Medhursts Translation of a comparative vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean, and Japanese languages (Batavia 1835): Neues zum Entstehungsprozess sowie zu Herkunft und Verbleib der verwendeten Quellen«, Antrittsvorlesung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 17.I.2012.


  • »ラング氏等の拗音説を評す:朝鮮資料が語るものと語らないものと«, workshop 古代日本語と琉球語の研究, 京都大学 / Kyoto University, 12.III.2011.


  • »朝鮮資料における並書表記とその解釈:ローマ字・キリル文字資料との対照から«, workshop 日本語音韻史の方法と実蹟, 大阪大学 / Osaka University, 11.XII.2010.
  • [»新発見の欧州所在倭学書とその周辺«, conference 日韓言語学者会議—韓国語を通じた日韓両国の相互理解と共生— (12.–13.XI.2010), 麗澤大学 / Reitaku University, 13.XI.2010. (presentation cancelled, but included in conference volume)]
  • »Zwei neu entdeckte koreanische Quellen zur japanischen Sprache aus dem späten 18. Jahrhundert: Zu ihrer Provenienz sowie ihrem frühen Gebrauch durch europäische Gelehrte«, Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 12.XI.2010.
  • »Wie das Koreanische nach Borneo gelangte: Zur Genealogie und weiteren Problemen westlicher Wörtersammlungen des Koreanischen bis zum ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert«, Vortrag an der Sektion Sprache und Kultur Koreas, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 17.VI.2010.
  • »Orthographical geminates in the han’gŭl transcriptions of Japanese in Ch’ŏphae sinŏ 捷解新語 revisited«, conference Japanese Times now Past (11.–12.VI.2010), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 12.VI.2010.
  • »Klaproth’s Korean kmis, or: On the manners of distortion of the Japanese and Korean scripts seen in some early foreign sources«, 7th symposium The Idea of Writing — »Lapses, glitches, blunders: going astray in writing systems« (9.–10.VI.2010), Einsiedeln, 9.VI.2010.
  • »서양에 있어서의 한국어 연구사의 제문제 — 18세기 어휘집을 중심으로« [Einige Probleme der Forschungsgeschichte des Koreanischen im Westen, mit Schwerpunkt auf den Glossaren des 18. Jahrhunderts], 京都大学 / Kyoto University, 13.V.2010.


  • »Erneut zu Andreas Müller und seinem Syllabarium Japanicum ([1684/]1703) — eine frühe Darstellung (nicht nur) der japanischen Silbenschrift und ihre Quellen« (erweiterte Fassung des Vortrags vom 12.XI.2008), invited talk, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Japanologie, 15.VI.2009.
  • »Horncrowned at times, yet not diabolic but divine —On some cases of adaptation and transfer of the Korean script—«, 6th symposium The Idea of Writing — »Writing Across the Borders«, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, 19.V.2009.
  • »Siebold und der Stand der westlichen Koreanischstudien im frühen 19. Jahrhundert, das ist: Erläuterung einiger Koreanica aus der Sieboldiana-Sammlung der RUB«, Mittagsforum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 29.IV.2009.
  • »Mokkan 木簡, man’yōgana 万葉仮名 and the age of Sino-Japanese as we know it«, conference Ancient Japan — Origins and Formation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 23.I.2009.


  • »Andreas Müller und sein Syllabarium Japanicum ([1684/]1703) — eine frühe Darstellung (nicht nur) der japanischen Silbenschrift und ihre Quellen«, Mittagsforum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 12.XI.2008.
  • »Zu den Fremdsprachenglossaren im Wakan Sansai zue 倭漢三才圖會 (1712)«, Mittagsforum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 4.VI.2008.
  • »The Unwritten and the Unread in Early Japanese Writing —A View from Onomastic Cases—«, 5th symposium The Idea of Writing — »The Unspoken Parts of Writing«, Universiteit Leiden, 15.V.2008.


  • »Beyond mono- and disyllabic oñgana 音仮名-type phonograms: Digraphic transcriptions of monosyllabics and sesquisyllabic phonograms in OJ«, 7th conference of the Nordic Association of Japanese and Korean Studies, Københavns Universitet, 25.VIII.2007. [Abstract]