M.A. Sunhee Ryu

Visiting Researcher March 2023 - March 2024

Room: MB 2.139

Ryu Sunhee has been studying Korean Classic Literature at Sungkyunkwan University. She is conducting a research project as part of the Institute Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences funded by the Korea National Research Foundation(September 2023-August 2024). In 2023, She participated in an international research collaboration project between graduate students from Korea and China, funded by the Amore Pacific Foundation. She earned her M.A. in February 2021 for a thesis on the Family narratives of married women. Her research focuses on the Confucian patriarchal system and family relationships as depicted in Korean classical novels.

  • 2022: “The Meaning of a Lower-class Woman’s Desire and Its Social Acceptance”, in: Korean Language and Literature in International Context, No.95, International Association of Language and Literature (「조선 후기 하층여성의 욕망실현 과정과 그에 대한 수용의 의미」, 『국제어문』 95권, 국제어문학회)
  • 2022: “A Study on the Realization of Virtual History in Korean Web Novels”, in: Culture and Convergence, Vol. 44, No.8, The Society of Korean Culture and Convergence (「로맨스 웹소설 속 가상 역사의 구현 방식 연구」, 『문화와융합』 44권 8호, 한국문화융합학회)
  • “Analysis of <HyunSsiYangWoongSsangRinGi (玄氏兩雄雙麟記)> Using Data Model”, 2023 Classic Data Modeling Colloquium, The Society for Korean Literary History, Korea University Institute for Sinographic Literatures and Philology, 2023.7.4. (「데이터 모델을 활용한 <현씨양웅쌍린기> 분석」, 2023 고전 데이터모델링 콜로키움, 민족문학사연구소, 고려대학교 한자한문연구소 주최, 2023.7.4.)
  • “The Meaning of the Problematic Shape of high class Yangban wives in a Korean Long Novels”, The 3rd Colloquium on Classical Literature, the Department of Korean Language and Literature, Sungkyunkwan University, 2023.5.26. (「국문장편소설 속 정실부인의 문제적 형상화의 의미: <소현성록> ‘화수은’을 중심으로」, 제3회 성균관대학교 국어국문학과 고전문학 콜로키움 발표, 2023.5.26.)
  • “The meaning of Oriental Fantasy Narrative Variations in Webtoons: focusing on the romance webtoon Twilight Poem”, IKS SP23 Science, Crime, and Detection Conference, Penn State University, 2023.3.31.-2023.4.1.
  • “The Faked Death of the heroine and Grief Reactions in Korean Classical Long Novels”, 171st regular academic conference, the Society of Bangyo Language and Literature, 2022.9.30. (「국문장편소설 속 여주인공의 위장 죽음과 그에 대한 애도의 반응」, 반교어문학회 171차 정기학술대회 발표, 2022.9.30.)
  • “The Significance of Daughter Adoption in Korean Classical Long Novels”, The 2nd Innovation/Shared Values/Justice Academic Conference, Korean Language and Literature at Sungkyunkwan University, 2021.11.13. (「국문장편소설에 나타난 딸 입양의 의미」, 제2회 혁신/공유/정의 성균 한국어문학 학술대회 발표, 2021.11.13.)
  • A Feminist Appropriation of Confucianism
  • Family Relationships in Korean Classical Novels
  • The Influence of Korean Classical Literatures on Modern works