Resources and other tools

The East and Southeast Asia Virtual Library – CrossAsia offers access to research information in East and Southeast Asian studies. CrossAsia is cooperatively organised and modular structured.

BaiDu [Chinese dictionary, good for example sentences which are translated to English.]

HanDian 漢典 [Classical Chinese dictionary.]

Zhongwen Dictionary [Good dictionary for looking up traditional characters. Can search by radical. Also has etymology.]

MDGB Chinese–English Dictionary [Searchable in simplified or traditional characters. You can also draw the characters you would like to look up by yourself. The character dictionary contains information about single Chinese characters. Each entry in the character dictionary consists of a Chinese character, radical/stroke count, English definition, Mandarin pinyin pronunciation, Yale & Jyutping Cantonese pronunciation, simplified/traditional variants and cangjie.]

MoeDict – Chinese-Chinese dictionary (萌典) [Mengdian is a digital Chinese dictionary as one of the projects of the Taiwanese open source community g0v Zero Hour Government. As a digitized Chinese dictionary, Mengdian contains about 160,000 entries of R.O.C. Mandarin, 20,000 entries of Taiwanese Minnan, 14,000 entries of Taiwanese Hakka, and comparisons of Chinese with English, French, and German. In addition to the online version, Mengdian is also available in desktop versions for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux, and in mobile versions for Android and iOS.]

Pleco [This application offers free Chinese (Cantonese) dictionary, flashcards, and document reader software for smartphones and tablets, including iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches. You can look up characters by drawing them on the screen of your device or by using your device’s camera. You can look up words by simply tapping on them. Very fast and well-supported.]


Wade-Giles/Pinyin Conversion Tables

Council on East Asian Libraries [Numerous links to online resources for the countries of East Asia, and to libraries with East Asian collections]

Chinese Readers Network [Links to Chinese original texts]

Guoxue Dashi [Platform Plattform mit integrierten Wörterbüchern, Lexika, Textsammlungen u. v. m.]

Chinese Text Project [A web-based e-text system designed to present ancient Chinese texts, particularly those relating to Chinese philosophy. Character look-up function; dictionary; title plus full-text search function. Searchable in simplified and traditional Chinese and in English. Contains English translation of some texts.]

Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center (MCLC) [This resource center contains, among other things, bibliographies of mostly English-language materials on modern Chinese literature, film, art, and culture. The Center also publishes articles and book reviews. Join the MCLC Discussion List.]

Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (漢學文典) [The Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (TLS) is designed as as a collaborative forum for discussion on the close reading of Chinese texts. It provides a corpus of classical Chinese texts wherever possible with interlinear translations; links the texts incorporated with an analytic dictionary of the Chinese language; compiles a detailed synonym dictionary of Chinese.]


Pinyin pronunciation for Mandarin [very well organized website of the University of Oxford with good recording quality]

MandarinSpot [Chinese–English/English–Chinese dictionary designed to help students in their study of Chinese language and reading Chinese online. Here you can add Mandarin pronunciation to any Chinese text as either Hanyu Pinyin, Zhuyin Fuhao (Bopomofo) or other, less well-known Chinese phonetic systems. You can use both Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters as long as you don't mix them inside one word. Paste in Chinese text to get character-by-character Pinyin. Hover over for definitions or print out a vocab list of HSK vocab.]

Juhai Chinese–English/English–Chinese dictionary [Good for examples/usage. Includes 'Instant Grammar Checker' to improve your writing.]

Liberty Times Net (中英對照讀新聞) [Current bilingual news, Chinese–English]

China Daily (双语新闻) [Compilation of bilingual news, Chinese–English, from the PR China]

Chinese news by Deutsche Welle

Chinese news from the BBC



Association for Asian Studies (AAS)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (German Association for Asian Studies, DGA)

Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien (German Association of Chinese Studies, DVCS)

Fachverband Chinesisch (Association for Chinese Language Teaching in German Speaking Countries, FaCh)

European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL)

European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)

GIGA Institut für Asienstudien (German Institute of Global and Area Studies, GIGA)

International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)

Landesspracheninstitut/Sinicum (Language Institute of the Land, LSI)

Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS)

University of Zurich, East Asian Seminar)

Zhongguo Xiandai Wenxueguan 中国现代文学馆 [Beijing]